Indicators of safe schools
(from Janis Caroll-Lind (2010). Responsive Schools. Wellington: Office of the Children's Commissioner. pp 10-12)
As part of the Office of the Children’s Commissioner’s inquiry into school safety, a matrix of success criteria for safe schools was developed. This provides an evidence base for the development of policies and practices that support schools in providing a safe learning environment for their students. Key criteria (extrapolated from the research literature) are presented in Table 5 below.
Table 5: Success criteria and indicators of safe schools
Bullying is approached as a community problem rather than an individual behaviour problem
- Acknowledgement that bullying happens.
- Recognition that bullying is unacceptable behaviour.
- Parental awareness and involvement.
- Bullying is viewed as a social practice rather than a behavioural practice.
- Strategies address the school and community culture.
- Whole school philosophy and ethos underpins the specific culture of the school.
- A clear vision of a safe and violence-free school community is strongly articulated and people know how to contribute to make this vision happen.
- Anti-violence/bullying policies have been developed that are commonly understood by staff, pupils, board of trustees, and the wider school community.
- A whole of school community approach was undertaken in the policy development.
- Commitment and input was gained from the whole school (i.e., students, teachers, parents, local community, and education authorities).
- Policies and procedures are applied consistently throughout the whole school.
- Teachers follow clear guidelines and procedures when reporting incidents.
- Educational programmes reinforce the whole school approach, thus providing “tools for the toolkit”.
Culture of “safe telling”
- Students are encouraged to disclose abuse, violence, and bullying.
- A confidential reporting system facilitates disclosure.
- Two-way communication between home and school is encouraged (i.e., schools act on
parents’ complaints about bullying and report incidents to parents of the children involved).
- Bystanders are empowered to intervene and report incidents witnessed by them.
- A climate has been created so that when victims or witnesses of violence or bullying do speak up, they know they will be listened to.
- Teachers take seriously all incidents reported to them and respond appropriately.
- Restorative conferences help victims to be heard and contribute to the healing of relationships.
- Incidents are further reported when appropriate (e.g., text- or cyber-bullying is reported to the network or mobile phone provider).
- Peer mediation programmes support the safe telling culture of the school.
- Incidents are reported to outside agencies (e.g., Police, Child, Youth and Family) when the need arises.
Peer, family, and teacher support
- Families and friends of bullies support them but refuse to condone their actions.
- Bullies are helped to interact positively with others.
- Victims of bullying are supported.
- Victims are helped to understand that bullying is not the victim’s fault.
- The school is a place conducive to learning.
- An orderly and safe climate encourages learning and teaching.
- A positive school environment keeps bullying and harassment from flourishing.
- Students enjoy warm, caring, positive relationships with their teachers.
- Teachers apply firm, clear, consistent limits to unacceptable behaviour with non-hostile, non-physical sanctions.
- Teachers provide active monitoring and supervision.
- Staff-to-student interactions do not insinuate messages about the acceptance or rejection of particular students.
- Students learn new skills in settings where it is safe to practise them.
- Students’ “connectedness” to school reflects their involvement in relationships, contexts, and activities they find worthwhile and important.
- The school provides emotional safety that comes from an environment that is structured, predictable, mutually respectful of all individuals, and free from any harmful activity or comment.
- Teachers model the attitudes and values they teach and practise respectful teaching
- There is school and community cooperation.
- Interaction and cooperation by students and school personnel is demonstrated.
Procedures to identify the nature and extent of bullying
- School self-reviews are regularly undertaken.
- Student surveys are conducted.
- A confidential reporting system works effectively.
- Principals practise collaborative styles of working, which set a school tone that facilitates the development of a whole school anti-bullying philosophy.
- School leaders facilitate the changing of the school’s culture.
- Professional development for teachers is provided.
Anti-violence/bullying strategies
- School wide anti-bullying policies.
- Systematic school wide intervention approaches.
- Effective responses to reported incidents.
- Tougher sanctions against bullying.
- Counselling for students.
- Involvement of students.

Tackle violence and bullying through the school curriculum.
Last Updated (Wednesday, 14 May 2014 16:03)