Secondary Organisation

Resources regarding the structural and strategic organisation, of secondary schools as human rights communities.
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Resources available within this category
Benchmarks for rights respecting schools

This resource outlines the key benchmarks for creating a rights respecting school. (Part of the HRiE School Resource Kit)

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Board of Trustees

Boards – whether they be boards of trustees of state schools, boards of independent schools, or boards governing early childhood education provision – are the entities charged with ensuring the realisation of the human right to education for the children in their school or ECE service. This resource links the requirements of Boards under the NZ Curriculum to human rights principles - and displays that by promoting a whole school approach to rights-based education, Boards are provided with a useful framework, to give coherence and fluency to their existing functions. (Part of the HRiE School Resource kit)

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Human rights and the NZ Curriculum

The English-medium New Zealand Curriculum launched on 6 November 2007 is about human rights in its purpose, aims and much of its specific content. In general terms the Curriculum is a key part of New Zealand's implementation of the human right to education. This resource outlines the ways in which schools can utilize the strong links between human rights-based education and the NZ Curriculum to aid the compulsory adoption of the Curriculum by 2010. (Part of the HRiE School Resource Kit)

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Parents & whānau

This resource outlines the obligations of parents, which reinforce the school-parent relationship that is required by New Zealand education policy and good practice. (Part of the HRiE School Resource Kit)

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Rights and responsibilities agreements: joining the dots

The international human rights framework that has emerged during the last century to act as a cross-cultural ethical guide to individual, organisational and state behaviour is a product of extensive negotiation and agreement. This resource outlines the development of negotiated Rights & Responsibilities Agreements replicates this international process in the school. (Part of the HRiE School Resource Kit)

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Student participation in school decisionmaking

Schools are indisputably the primary institutions in which children develop an understanding of what it takes to become an active and knowledgeable democratic citizen, who is aware of and exerts their fundamental human rights and responsibilities in every day life. Such an understanding however, cannot be cultivated without democratic structures and processes being actively modelled for students in schools. (Part of the HRiE School Resource Kit)

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Taking the human rights temperature of your school

A whole school activity which is crucial to development as a rights respecting community. This activity will have students and teachers alike examining thoughtfully and critically the human rights climate at their school and making connections between the need for a safe school environment and international standards of human rights. Curriculum values of 'integrity - Ngãkau/tapatahi' and 'Respect - Manaaki/ãwhi' are encouraged by making all members of the school community equally accountable for the protection of human rights. (Part of the HRiE School Resource Kit)

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The school as a rights-respecting community

Three key aspects to building a rights-respecting school community – one in which human rights and responsibilities are known, promoted and lived, are outlined in this resource. (Part of the HRiE School Resource Kit)

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