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Dawson Primary School

Dawson School

In most primary schools the development of a school culture based on human rights and responsibilities begins with negotiation of Rights and Responsibilities Agreements. Having seen rights-based education at work in Hampshire U.K Dawson Primary School teacher Hayley Ryan began implementation in her classroom.

I have made a start in my classroom discussing rights and responsibilities and creating a charter, and I’ve been referring to R & R when dealing with behaviour management. The kids have talked about using the responsibilities as their personal goals for term 1 which was a great link for them to make. My class gave a presentation to a school assembly on rights and responsibilities, and other classes are going to do their own charters. My class are visiting a junior class next week to present a little role play to them about R & R. I think it’s great and is starting to make a lot of sense! – Hayley Ryan, Dawson School (Otara)

Last Updated (Thursday, 21 October 2010 19:39)